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Notes for lines 2951-end ed. Hardin A. Aasand
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
3823 Thou liuest, report me and my {cause a} <causes> right5.2.339
3824 To the vnsatisfied.
1854 del2
3823 my cause a right] Delius (ed. 1854) : “d.h. den über mich und meine Sache nicht vollständig Unterrichteten. Die Fol. hat my causes right. Indess ist die Lesart der Qs. hier vorzuziehen, weil Hamlet im ganzen Laute des Dramas wiederholt nur von my cause, von der einen, ihn allein erfüllenden Sache gesprochen. Vielleicht ist aber als Lesart der Fol. anzunehmen: my cause’s right =das gute Recht meiner Sache.” [that is, the reporting not completely of him and of his affairs. The Fol has my causes right. In this is the reading of the Qq which is here drawn upon, Hamlet in the entire course of the drama repeats only of my cause, of the one singularly performed concern spoken. Perhaps it is to take the reading of the Fol: my cause’s right =the good correctness of my concern/affair.]
1872 del4
del4 : del2 + magenta underlined
3823 my cause a right] Delius (ed. 1854) : “d.h. den über mich und meine Sache nicht vollständig Unterrichteten, die nach weiterer Auskunft verlangen. Die Fol. hat my causes right. Indess ist die Lesart der Qs. hier vorzuziehen, weil Hamlet im ganzen Laute des Dramas wiederholt nur von my cause, von der einen, ihn allein erfüllenden Sache gesprochen. Vielleicht ist aber als Lesart der Fol. anzunehmen: my cause’s right =das gute Recht meiner Sache.” [that is, the reporting not completely of him and of his affairs, which endures after further information.. The Fol has my causes right, In this is the reading of the Qq which is here drawn upon, Hamlet in the entire course of the drama repeats only of my cause, of the one singularly performed concern spoken. Perhaps it is to take the reading of the Fol: my cause’s right =the good correctness of my concern/affair.]
1877 v1877
v1877≈ del2
3823 my cause a right] Delius (apud Furness, ed. 1877): “Perhaps the text of the Ff should read ‘cause’s right.’”
v1877≈ del2
3823 my cause a right] Furness (ed. 1877): “Not repeated in [DEL2]”
1885 macd
3824 MacDonald (ed. 1885): “His care over his reputation with the people is princely, and casts a true light on his delay. No good man can be willing to seem bad, except the being good necessitates it. A man must be willing to appear a villain if that is the consequence of being a true man, but he cannot be indifferent to that appearance. He cannot be indifferent to wearing the look of the thing he hates. Hamlet, that he may be understood by the nation, makes, with noble confidence in his friendship, the large demand on Horatio, to live and suffer for his sake.”
1939 kit2
3824 vnsatisfied] Kittredge (ed. 1939): “those who are uninformed.”
3824 vnsatisfied] Kittredge (ed. 1939, Glossary): “uninformed.”
1980 pen2
3824 vnsatisfied] Spencer (ed. 1980): “those who are in doubt about my conduct.”
1982 ard2
ard2 ≈ standard +
3824 vnsatisfied] Jenkins (ed. 1982): “Cf. [3874], ‘yet unknowing’.”
1985 cam4
3824 vnsatisfied] Edwards (ed. 1985): “i.e. those who will need to be satisfied with an explanation. It is to be remembered that Polonius, Laertes and Ophelia all die without knowing of Claudius’s crime and the reason for Hamlet’s conduct.”
1987 oxf4
3823 my cause a right] Hibbard (ed. 1987): “i.e. what I have done and my reasons for doing it.”
oxf4 ≈ standard
3824 vnsatisfied]
1993 dent
3829 cause] Andrews (ed. 1989): "both case and cause ((Hamlet’s justification for ’this Act’))."
dent ≈ standard
3824 vnsatisfied]
3823 3824