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Notes for lines 2951-end ed. Hardin A. Aasand
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
3683 That might your nature, honor, and exception5.2.231
3684 Roughly awake, I heare proclame was madnesse,
1819 cald1
3683 exception] Caldecott (ed. 1819) : “Resentment.”
1832 cald2
cald2 = cald1
3683 exception]
1854 del2
3683-4 exception, awake] Delius (ed. 1854) : “exception ist hier der Anstoss, den Laertes an Hamlet’s Thun nehmen konnte, und fügt sich in dieser Bedeutung nicht ganz genau zu den beiden andern coordinirten Begriffen nature und honour. —to awake =reizen, aufregen” [exception is here the offense, which Laertes could seize for Hamlet’s actions, and corresponds in this sense not quite accurately to the opposite, combined notions of nature and honour. to awake is to raise, to stir up. ]
1869 tsch
3683 exception] Tschischwitz (ed. 1869): “exception ist unter dem Einflusse des Italienischen, wo eccezione, Widerspruch, Abiehnung, Einwand bedeutet, in den Begriff Empfindlichkeit, Reizbarkeit übergegangen.” [exception is from the influence of the Italian, where exxozione means conflict, refusal, protest, passing on into the idea of sensitiveness, susceptability. ]
1872 del4
del4 = del2
3683-4 exception, awake]
1872 cln1
3683 exception] Clark & Wright (ed. 1872): “in the sense of ‘objection,’ ‘dislike,’ occurs most commonly in the phrase, ‘to take exception.’ The best comment on this passage is [AW 1.2.40 (285)]: ‘His honour, Clock to itself, knew the true minute when Exception bird him speak, and at this time His tongue obey’d his hand.’”
1877 v1877
v1877 ≈ cln1 (minus AW quotation)
3683 exception] Clark & Wright (apud Furness, ed. 1877): “This word, in the sense of ‘objection,’ ‘dislike,’ occurs most commonly in the phrase, ‘to take exception.’ The best comment on this passage is [AW 1.2.40 (0000)].”
1877- Fleay
3684 I heare proclame was madnesse] Fleay (1877-, p. 91): <p. 91> “Another passage [depicting pretended madness] is the speech of Hamlet to Laertes [] which certainly only implies an argumentum ad hominem ‘the madness’) you all impute to me’ and does not mean the assumed madness which the experts tell us is so cunningly denied by Hamlet in his anticipation of modern scientific research on insanity.” </p. 91>
1885 macd
3684 Roughly awake] MacDonald (ed. 1885): “‘that might roughly awake your nature, honour; and exception,’:—consider the phrase—to take exception at a thing.”
3684 madnesse] MacDonald (ed. 1885): “It was by cause of madness, not by cause of evil intent. For all purpose of excuse it was madness, if only pretended madness; it was [there?] of another necessity, and excused offence like real madness. What he said was true, not merely expedient, to the end he meant it to serve. But all passion may be called madness, because therein the mind is absorbed with one idea; ‘anger is a brief madness,’ and he was in a ‘towering passion’: he proclaims it madness and so abjures it.”
1885 mull
mull ≈ standard
3683 exception]
1890 irv2
3683 exception] Symons (in Irving & Marshall, ed. 1890): “objection, as in the phrase ‘to take exception.’”
3683 exception] Symons (in Irving & Marshall, ed. 1890): “Compare [AW 1.2.38-41 (285)]: ‘his honour, Clock to itself, knew the true minute when Exception bid him speak, and at this time His tongue obey’d his hand.’”
1899 ard1
ard1 ≈ cln1
3683 exception] Dowden (ed. 1899): “disapproval. Compare [AWW 1.2.40 (285)].”
1929 trav
trav : contra john ; Bradley
3684 madnesse] Travers (ed. 1929): “And is it altogether an untruth? May not his treatment of Ophelia, whom he ‘loved’ ((V, I, 270 [3466])), of her father even ((cp. III, iv, 172-173 [2548-49])),as of Laertes himself (cp. ‘I forgot myself’ in 1. 76 [3580], and presently 1. 234 [3686]), now seem to him to deserve the name of "madness ‘in the larger sense of the word?’
1931 crg1
crg1 ≈ standard (ard1?)
3683 exception]
1934 rid1
rid1 : standard
3683 exception] Ridley (ed. 1934, Glossary):
1934 cam3
3683 nature, honor, and exception] Wilson (ed. 1934): “i.e. filial duty (cf. note 4.5.161-65 [2914-16]), good name, and personal dislike.”
cam3 : standard
3683 exception] Wilson (ed. 1934, Glossary)
cam3 : john1 ; Bradley ; Stoll
3684 I . . . madnesse] Wilson (ed. 1934): “Dr. johnson and others take this to be falsehood. Bradley (pp. 420-21) excuses it on the ground that there is ‘no moral difference . . . between feigning insanity and asserting it.’ E.E. Stoll (Art and Artifice in Sh.. p. 120) declares that Ham.’s explanation contradicts that given to Hor. at ll. 75-80 [3579-84]. I believe the two passages are not inconsistent and that Ham. means what he says, which is not that he is insane but merely that he is subject to fits of madness. Cf. Introd. p. lxiv and notes 3.1.137-52 [1790-93]; 3.4.107 [2488], 180 [2555+1]; 5.1.278 [3482]. If there is a suspicion of falsehood or deception, our sympathy with Ham. (which at this moment of the play Sh. is most concerned to enlist) is weakened.”
1938 parc
parc ≈ standard
3683 exception]
1939 kit2
kit2≈ standard
3683 exception]
3683 exception] Kittredge (ed. 1939, Glossary):
1942 n&h
n&h ≈ standard
3683 exception]
1947 Cln2
Cln2 ≈ standard
3683 exception]
1951 alex
Alex ≈ standard
3683 exception] Alexander (ed. 1951, Glossary)
1951 crg2
3683 exception]
1954 sis
sis ≈ standard
3683 exception] Sisson (ed. 1954, Glossary):
1957 pel1
pel1 : standard
3683 exception]
1970 pel2
3683 exception]
1974 evns1
evns1≈ standard
3683 exception]
1980 pen2
pen2 ≈ standard
3683 exception]
1982 ard2
3683 nature] Jenkins (ed. 1982): “natural feeling, filial regard. Cf. [1.5.81, 3.2.384] and nn. Hamlet recognizes for Laertes promptings similar to his own.”
ard2 ≈ standard
3683 exception]
1984 chal
chal : standard
3683 nature]
chal : standard
3683 exception]
1985 cam4
3684 I heare proclame was madnesse] Edwards (ed. 1985): “This is certainly disingenuouss. Hamlet was not mad when he killed Polonius. He is making a public declaration to an audience, one of whom, Claudius, knows perfectly well why he killed Polonius. The furthest he dare go in apologising to Laertes is to say that he never intended to kill his father—there was no ‘purposed evil’ (([3693])). In blaming his madness, he knows that his audience ((apart from Claudius)) will believe him; he is continuing to play his part, and keeping up the long battle of wits with Claudius. But beneath all this, now that Hamlet is revaluing all his past actions, he must consider his behaviour intolerable, a ‘sore distraction’ indeed, when he was not himself. It was madness, of a kind, to kill Polonius, and his regret is entirely genuine, even if his expression of it is considerably less than candid.”
1987 oxf4
oxf4 ≈ standard
3683 nature]
oxf4 ; OED (sb. 3)
3683 exception]
1988 bev2
bev2: standard
3683 exception]
1992 fol2
3684 Roughly awake] Andrews (ed. 1989): “harshly awaken.”
1993 dent
3683 exception]
2008 oed
3. Phrases, partaking of senses 1 and 2. to make (an) exception; with (the) exception (of, that); without exception; in exception to
3683 3684