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Notes for lines 2951-end ed. Hardin A. Aasand
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
3658 Hora. You will loose <this wager,> my Lord. 
1854 del2
3658 this wager] Delius (ed. 1854) : “this wager fehlt in den Qs. Vgl. Anm. 65.” [ this wager is absent in the Qq, see note 65.] [Ed:this is his note regarding the absence of these lines in the Ff].”
1870 Miles
3658-73 Miles (1870, p. 81): <p. 81>“With the extinction of this water-fly, the great catastrophe approaches. Only once, and for a moment, the shadow of the coming death depresses him. [cites 3658-73] After this last inevitable sigh, there is no more repining. His smile is that of the morituri te salutant! He longs to be at peace with all mankind but one; most of all with Ophelia’s brother.”</p. 81>
1872 del4
del4 = del2
3658 this wager]
1934 Wilson
3658 loose] Wilson (1934, 2:251) sees the Q2 reading as reflecting a “probable” omission of the Ff reading.
1982 ard2
3658 Jenkins (ed. 1982): “F’s addition of this wager appears to have been necessitated by the cut of [3657+1-3657+13]. ((Cf. [3611-2], F at his weapon.)) Strictly, it is the King who will lose the wager and Hamlet the match. But cf. [3707].”