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Line 3611, etc. - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 2951-end ed. Hardin A. Aasand
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
3611 {Cour.}<Sir,> You are not ignorant of what excellence Laertes is <at>5.2.137
3612 <his weapon.>..
1854 del2
3612 excellence] Delius (ed. 1854) : “dass ich die Vortrefflichkeit des Laertes kenne, würde ich nur dann zu gestehen wagen, wenn ich mit ihm darin es aufnehmen wollte.” [“that I know the excellence of Laertes I would risk only then to confess, when I would thereby receive it with him.”]
1860 Walker
Walker : cap
3611-12 for this weapon] Walker (ed. 1860, II:221): <p. 221> “Knight has erroneously this; doubtless from one or more of the quartos. 135”
<n> 135”This is the reading of the quartos, except that of 1603 [Q1], which does not contain the passage. The folios have cut it down very considerably, but what they have left is clear and consistent. Some of the early editors have followed this curtailed text; their successors have generally followed the quartos, merely altering this to his. Mr. Knight has mixed the two recensions, and has made a sad mess of both.”</n>
3611 3612