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Notes for lines 2951-end ed. Hardin A. Aasand
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
3562 {Dooes} <Doth> by their owne insinnuation growe,5.2.59
3563 Tis dangerous when the baser nature comes
Q3, Q4, F1, Q5, F2, F3, Q6, Q7, Q8, F4, Q9, Q10, rowe1, rowe2, tjoh1, rowe3, wilk1, tjoh2, wilk2, pope1, pope2, theo1, theo2, han1, han2, warb, theo4, john1, john2, cap, jen, v1773, v1778, v1785, mal, rann, v1793, v1803, v1813, cald1, v1821, sing1, cald2, knt1, col1, del2, hud1, sing2, dyce1, col3, stau, wh1, glo, ktly, hal, dyce2, cam1, tsch, rug1, hud2, cln1, v1877, col4, wh2, irv2, oxf1, ard1, nlsn, vand, rid1, cam3a, kit1, pen1, parc, cln2, alex, sis, pel1, pel2, evns1, pen2, ard2, chal, cam4, oxf2, oxf4, bev2, fol2 = Q2 (subst.)
3562 Dooes . . . growe] Om. gar, gent
3562 Dooes] Doth Ff, rowe1, rowe2, rowe3, tjoh1, tjoh2, pope1, pope2, theo1, theo2, han1, han2, theo4, warb, john1, han3, jen, v1773, v1778, v1785, rann, dyce2, irv2, nlsn, pen1a, n&h, oxf2, oxf4
insinnuation] Q3(c);insinuat_on Q3 (u); Insinuations wilk
3563 the baser nature] baser nature F2, F3, F4, rowe, tjoh, pope; baser natures han; a baser nature mcol1, col2
comes] come han1, han2, han3
3562 3563