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Notes for lines 2951-end ed. Hardin A. Aasand
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
3546 That on the view, and {knowing} <know> of these contents,5.2.44
1805 Seymour
3546 That . . . contents] Seymour (1805, 2:201) : <p. 201>“The preposition ‘of’ is both impertinent to the sense and injurious to the metre.” </p. 201>
1854 del2
3546 and knowing] Delius (ed. 1854) : “and know]] So die Fol. Der substantivische Gebrauch von know erklärt sich aus der Verbindung view and know. Die Qs. haben knowing.” [The substantive use of know explains the combination view and know. The Qs. have knowing.]
1864-68 c&mc
3546 That . . . contents] Clarke & Clarke (ed. 1864-68, rpt. 1874-78): “The Quartos print ‘knowing’ for ‘know’ here, which latter is the Folio word, and is probably the author’s intentional abbreviation of ‘knowledge.’”
1866 dyce2
dyce2 : Walker (Sh. Versification)
3546 and knowing] Dyce (ed. 1866) : “So the quartos, 1604, &c.; a reading which some editors [POPE, THEO, HAN, WARB] have altered to ‘—and knowling these contents.’ But see Walker’s Shakespeare’s Versification, &c. where, p. 119, this line is cited as containing an example of a ‘present participle contracted,’ and where, p. 120, among other instances, the following is cited from our author’s H8 [1.2.l (452)], ‘Not well dispos’d, the mind growing once corrupt,’—The folio has ‘That on the view and know of these Contents.’”
1869 tsch
3546 knowing] Tschischwitz (ed. 1869): “know and view ist wie unser: ‘kund und zu wissen’ als ein Begriff zu fassen.” [“know and view is like our ‘kund und zu wissen’[[“the known and to know”], as an idea of laying hold on.”]
1869 stratmann
stratmann : col1 ; Walker (Sh. Versification)
3546 knowing] Stratmann (ed. 1869): “As ‘know’ cannot be, nor has ever been, used substantively, it must be a misprint in D [F1]; however it is adopted by Collier. For the use of ‘knowing’ as a monosyllable, see Shakespeare’s Versification by S. Walker, p. 119.”
1872 del4
del4 = del2
1872 cln1
3546 knowing of] Clark & Wright (ed. 1872): “So the quartos. The folios have ‘know of.’ We have ‘knowing’ as a substantive in [Mac. 2.4.4 (925)]: ‘This sore night Hath trifled former knowings.’”
1877 v1877
v1877 :≈ stratmann
3546 knowing] Furness (ed. 1877): “Contracted, or slurred in pronunciation, into a monosyllable. See Walker (Vers. p. 119), and Abbott, §470.”
3546 knowing] Stratmann (apud Furness, ed. 1877): “As know cannot be, nor has ever been, used substantively, it must be a misprint in the Ff.”
1906 nlsn
nlsn: standard
3546 knowing] Neilson (ed. 1906, Glossary)
1929 trav
3546 knowing] Travers (ed. 1929): “shortened to ‘know’ {cp. I, 1, 57 n.) in F, apparently to regularise scansion. Cp. p. xxi 1. 7.”
1934 Wilson
3546 knowing] Wilson (1934, 2:272): Wilson feels that Q2 offers the more “attractive reading” than F1. “Rowe and a few” follow F1
1934 cam3
cam3 : standard
3546 knowing] Wilson (ed. 1934, Glossary)
1980 pen2
3546 That] Spencer (ed. 1980): “((follows conjuration, [3540])).”
1987 oxf4
oxf4 : OED
3546 knowing] Hibbard (ed. 1987): “know]] knowledge ((OED sb. 2)).” [but also see vbl. n. 4c. Something known, an experience. Obs. 1605 SHAKES. Macb. II. iv. 4 This sore Night Hath trifled former knowings.]