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Notes for lines 2951-end ed. Hardin A. Aasand
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
3492 King. I pray {thee} <you> good Horatio waite vpon him. {and Horatio.}5.1.293
1875 Marshall
3492 Marshall (1875, p. 101-02): <p. 101> “Hamlet goes away in such a state of agitation that he forgets the presence of Horatio, whom the King wisely bids to wait on him. The last three lines which Claudius speas are addressed to Laertes, and the speech should thus be marked: (To Laertes). Strengthen your patience in our last night’s† speech; We’ll put the matter to the present push.</p. 101> <p. 102>(To the Queen). Good Gertrude, set some watch over your son. (To Laertes). This grave shall have a living monument: An hour of quiet shortly shall we see; Till then, in patience our proceedings be.” </p. 102>
<p. 101><n>†”This would seem to imply that the conversation between the King and Laertes in the last act took place n the previous night. But this could not have been so, as will be seen by reference to that scene (Act IV., Scene 7); neither is it possible that Ophelia could have died at night or in the </p. 101> <p.102>evening and have been buried the next day. The 2nd Clown says [3193]”that the crowner hath sat on her;’ and though this may be an anachronism, it is probable there would have been some inquiry into her death.” </n></p. 102>
3492 Marshall (1875): see also n. 2977-78.
1992 fol2
fol2≈ standard
3492 waite vpon him
1993 dent
dent ≈ standard
3492 waite vpon him