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Notes for lines 2951-end ed. Hardin A. Aasand
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
3446 Till of this flat a mountaine you haue made5.1.252
3447 To’retop old Pelion, or the skyesh head5.1.253
1779-83 capn
3447 skyesh] Capell (1779-83 [1774]:1:1:Glossary) : “sky-like. “
1855 mHunter
mHunter: see n. 3480.
1874 cln1
3447 skyesh] Clark & Wright (ed. 1874): “belong to, or commingling with the sky.”
1877 clns
3447 Pelion] Neil (ed. 1877, Notes): “A range of mountains, in the district of Magnesia in Thessaly, celebrated in mythology. The giants, in their wars with the gods, are said to have attempted to pile Olympus on Pelion, or Pelion and Ossa on Olympus, that they might scale heaven. Ovid’s Metamorphoses, I, 151-162.”
1882 elze2
3447 To ‘retop] Elze (ed. 1882): “Perhaps we should write: T’ore-top.”
1931 crg1
crg1 ≈ standard
3447 Pelion] Craig (ed. 1951): “Olympus, Pelion, and Ossa are mountains in the north of Thessaly.”
1934 rid1
rid1: standard +
3447 Pelion] Ridley (ed. 1934, Glossary): “The giants in the war against the Olympian deities ‘piled Pelion on Ossa’ to reach their enemies. See [3480].”
1934 cam3
3447 Pelion] Wilson (ed. 1934, Glossary): “a lofty range of mountains in Thessaly, famous in Greek mythology.”
1939 kit2
kit2 ≈ standard
3447 Pelion]
1937 pen1a
pen1a: standard
3447 Pelion]
1947 cln2
cln2 ≈ standard
3447 Pelion]
1951 alex
alex ≈ standard
3447 Pelion] Alexander (ed. 1951, Glossary)
1951 crg2
3447 Pelion]
1957 pel1
pel1: standard
3447 Pelion]
1970 pel2
3447 Pelion]
1974 evns1
evns1 ≈ standard
3447 Pelion]
1980 pen2
pen2 ≈ standard
3447 Pelion]
1982 ard2
ard2 ≈ standard +
3447 Pelion] Jenkins (ed. 1982): “Cf. Tilley O81.”
1984 chal
chal: standard
3447 Pelion]
1985 cam4
cam4 ≈ standard
3447 Pelion]
1987 oxf4
oxf4 ≈ standard: Tilley
3447 Pelion] Hibbard (ed. 1987): “Virgil’s mention of the story, imponene Pello Ossam ((Georgics I, 281)), became proverbial ((Tilley O81)).”
oxf4: OED +
3447 skyesh] Hibbard (ed. 1987): “earliest instance cited by OED.”
1992 fol2
fol2 ≈ standard
3447 Pelion ]
1993 dent
dent ≈ standard +
3447 Pelion] Andrews (ed. 1989): “Claudius has associated an earlier outburst from Laertes with ‘Giant-like’ rebellion in [2866]”
2008 OED
34447 skyesh]]OED 1. Lofty; approaching the sky.
3446 3447