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Notes for lines 2951-end ed. Hardin A. Aasand
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
3155 Quee. One woe doth tread vpon anothers heele, 31554.7.63
1778 v1778
3155 heele] Steevens (ed. 1778): “A similiar thought occurs in Pericles Prince of Tyre , 1609: ‘One sorrow never comes, but brings an heir That may succeed as his inheritor. STEEVENS”
1783 malsii
malsii: supplement to v1778
3155 heele] Malone (1783, p. 59) : <p. 59> “Again, in our author’s 121st Sonnet: ‘A thousand groans, but thinking on thy face, One on another’s neck—’” </p. 59>
See MAL below, where it’s identified as Sonnet 131
1785 v1785
3155 heele]
1787 ann
ann = v1785
3155 heele]
1790 mal
mal=v1785 ; malsii +
3155 heele] Malone (ed. 1790):“Again, in Drayton’s Mortimeriados, 4to, 1596: ‘—miseries, which seldom come alone, Thick on the neck one of another fell.’”
This analogue Malone inserts to Drayton between STEEVENS’s Pericles quote and his own parallel from the 131 Sonnet: “
3155-6 Quee. One . . . follow] Malone (1790, 10:301): See n. 4, p. 301.
This is sonnet 131.
1793 v1793
v1793=MAL +
3155 heele] Ritson (apud Steevens, ed. 1793): “Again, in Locrine , 1595: ‘One mischief follows on another’s neck.’ And this also is the first line of a queen’s speech on a lady’s drowning herself. RITSON”
v1793 reprints the MAL commentaries above, but identifies the sonnet as 131. STEEVENS then adds at the end a note from RITSON:
1803 v1803
3155 heele]
1813 v1813
3155 heele]
1821 v1821
3155 heele]