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Line 3144 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 2951-end ed. Hardin A. Aasand
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
3144 Twere better not assayd, therefore this proiect,4.7.152
1875 Marshall
3144-53 Marshall (1875, p. 86): <p. 86> “It is now the game of Claudius to check the vindictive ardour of Laertes; at the same time he feels he may go to any length in atrocity. This notable device may fail, may be detected; so to make doubly sure, if Hamlet escapes the envenomed rapier, there shall be a poisoned cup, prepared in all loving amity, for his refreshment. These two worthy characters having thus brought their plots to perfection, they are interrupted in their further communing by the entrance of the Queen, with the news of Ophelia’s death—news which seems to keep Laertes from reflecting on the baseness of the crime which he has just promised to execute; fanning, at the same time, his just wrath against the man whom he supposes to be the murderer of his father, and th indirect cause of his sister’s death. Claudius expresses his hypocritical fear that the rage which he had calmed may now start forth again; what he really feared was, lest this new aggravation of his suffering might not render Laertes incapable of the coolness, and patience, necessary for the success of their scheme.” </p. 86>
1984 chal
chal : standard
3144 assayd]
1993 dent
3143-4 And . . . assayed] Andrews (ed. 1989): “and should our intention be disclosed as a result of our inept performance [[of this ‘play’ we are scheming to produce]], it would be better for us if we hadn’t attempted it in the first place.”