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Notes for lines 2951-end ed. Hardin A. Aasand
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
3122 And set a double varnish on the fame4.7.132
1755 John
3122 varnish] Johnson (1755, varnish, 1): “n.s. [vernis, Fr. vernix, Latin] 1. A matter laid upon wood, metal, or other bodies, to make them shine. ‘We’ll put on those shall priase your excellence. . . ‘ Hamlet.”
“‘The fame of Cicero had not borne her age so well, if it had not been joined with some vanity? Like unto varnish, that makes cielings not only shine, but last.’ Bacon. ‘This blue varnish that the green endears, The sacrd rust of twice ten hundred years.’ Pope.”
1818 Todd
Todd = John +
3122 varnish] Todd (1818, varnish, 1): “†n.s. [vernis, Fr. vernix, Latin. Accordingly Chaucer, and our old lexicographers, write it vernish. Prompt. Parv. and Barret.] 1. A matter laid upon wood, metal, or other bodies, to make them shine. ‘We’ll put on those shall priase your excellence. . . ‘ Hamlet. ‘The fame of Cicero had not borne her age so well, if it had not been joined with some vanity? Like unto varnish, that makes cielings not only shine, but last.’ Bacon. ‘This blue varnish that the green endears, The sacrd rust of twice ten hundred years.’ Pope.”
1974 evns1
3122 varnish] Evans (ed. 1974): “second coat of varnish.”
evns1 ≈standard
1998 OED
3122 varnish] 2. fig. a. A specious gloss or outward show; a pretence.