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Line 3102 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 2951-end ed. Hardin A. Aasand
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
3102 Your sodaine comming ore to play with {you.} <him;>4.7.105
1854 del2
3102 to play] Delius (ed. 1854): “eine Fechterübung zum spiel anstellen.” [“[To play is the arrangement of fencing as a game.”]
He also provides a VN, indicating that the Fol reads with him.
1872 del4
del4 ≈ del2
3102 to play] Delius (ed. 1872): “eine Fechterübung zum spiel anstellen. Die Qs. lesen with you für with him der Fol.” [“[To play is the arrangement of fencing as a game. The Qs. read with you for the with him of the folio.”]
alters note to show his decision to use the Ff reading in this edition, over the Qq reading he had used in 1854
1885 macd
3102 MacDonald (ed. 1885): “‘made him so spiteful by stirring up his habitual envy.’”
3102 MacDonald (ed. 1885): “All invention.”
1890 irv2
3102 you] Symons (in Irving & Marshall, ed. 1890): “Qq. print you, which seems a less suitable reading, though it can be made to express the same sense.”
1931 crg1
3102 play] Craig (ed. 1931): “fence.”
1934 Wilson
3102 you] Wilson (1934, 2:241) characterizes the Q2 reading as a compositor’s error for “him.”
1951 crg2
3102 play]
1974 EVNS1
3102 sodaine] Evans (ed. 1974): “speedy.”
1980 pen2
pen2 ≈ standard
3102 sodaine]
pen2 ≈ standard
3102 play]
3102 you] Spencer (ed. 1980): “Grammatically we might have expected ‘him’ (which is, in fact, the F reading).”
1984 chal
chal : standard
3102 play]
1988 bev2
bev2 ≈ standard
3102 play]
1992 fol2
fol2≈ standard
3102 play]