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Line 3098 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 2951-end ed. Hardin A. Aasand
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
3098 That he cride out t’would be a sight indeed4.7.99
mtby2 1723-33? ms. notes in pope1
3098 sight] Thirlby (ms.notes in Pope, ed. 1723 [1723-33?]): “R[owe1] sight w[hi]ch w[i]thout doubt is the true reading [and thus Q3].”
1729-30 theol
3098 sight] Theobald (21 Mar. 1729-30, [fol. 62v] [Nichols 2:576]) : <fol. 62v> “(so all the old copies; not fight).” </fol. 62v>
1743 mF3
3098 sight] Anon. (ms. notes in F3, 1734) : “Should it not be fight indeed?”
1885 macd
3098 sight] MacDonald (ed. 1885): “‘it would be a sight indeed to see you matched with an equal. The king would strengthen Laertes’ confidence in his proficiency.”