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Line 3078+7 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 2951-end ed. Hardin A. Aasand
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
3078+7 {Wherein they say you shine, your summe of parts}4.7.74
1752 Misc. Ob
Misc. Ob.
3078+7 sum of parts] Anon. [Grey?] (1752, p.45): <p. 45>“ i.e. He did not so much envy all your good Qualties put together, as that one; and that which he regards so much, has the lowest Place in my Esteem. Siege, Fr. signifies Seat, and is used literally in that Sense by Spenser. ‘Drawing him to the Eyes of all around, / From qeenlofty sound. [sic]’ Fairy Queen, Book II. Cant. II. St.39.” </p. 45>
1819 cald1
3078+7 sum of parts] Caldecott (ed. 1819) notes: “Total. See MV Portia, [3.2.157-8 [(505-6)]”
1832 cald2
3078+7 sum of parts
1854 del2
3078+7 sum of parts] DELIUS (ed. 1854): “alle eure sonstigen Gaben zusammengenommen.” [“all of our other collected gifts.”]
1869 tsch
3078+7 your summe of parts] Tschischwitz (ed. 1869): “die Gesammtheit der Rollen, die ihr spielt.” [“the collection of his roles, which he plays.”]
1872 del4
dle4 = del2
3078+7 sum of parts]
1885 macd
3078+7 your summe of parts] MacDonald (ed. 1885): “<n> all your excellencies together</n>.”
1885 mull
mull ≈ standard
3078+7 your summe of parts]
1939 kit2
3078+7 your summe of parts] Kittredge (ed. 1939): “the sum total of your accomplishments.”
3078+7 summe] Kittredge (ed. 1939, Glossary): “sum total.”
3078+7 parts] Kittredge (ed. 1939, Glossary):“an accomplishment.”
1974 evns1
evns1≈ standard
3078+6 qualitie]
1980 pen2
pen2 ≈ standard
3078+7 your summe of parts]
1988 bev2
bev2 ≈ standard
3078+7 sum of parts]
1993 dent
dent ≈ standard
3078+7 parts]