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Line 3033 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 2951-end ed. Hardin A. Aasand
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
3033 Laer. And so haue I a noble father lost,4.7.25
1870 Abbott
3033-4 have . . . driuen] ] Abbott (§425): “Transposition after Emphatic Words. The influence of an emphatic word at the beginning of a sentence is shown in the transposition of the verb and subject. In such cases the last as well as the first word is often emphatic. . . . cites [3033]. Here note, that though the first line could be re-transposed, and Laer. could naturally say, ‘I have lost a father,’ on the other hand he could not say, ‘I have driven a sister,’ without completely changing the sense. ‘Have’ is here used in its original sense, and is equivalent to ‘I find.’ When ‘have’ is thus used without any notion of action, it is separated from the participle passive. See 1.2.215 (408); 3.3.38 (2314).” (§425)
1877 v1877
v1877 : Abbott (only “Here . . . participle passive”)
3033-4 have . . . driuen] Abbott (apud Furness, ed. 1877): “Here note that though the first line could be re-transposed, and Laer. could naturally say, ‘I have lost a father,’ on the other hand he could not say, ‘I have driven a sister,’ without completely changing the sense. ‘Have’ is here used in its original sense, and is equivalent to ‘I find.’ When ‘have’ is thus used without any notion of action, it is separated from the participle passive. See 1.2.215 (408); 3.3.38 (2314).” (§425)
1987 oxf4
oxf4 : Abbott
3033-4 have . . . driuen]