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Line 3022 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 2951-end ed. Hardin A. Aasand
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
3022 {She is} <She’s> so {concliue} <coniunctiue> to my life and soule,4.7.14
1755 John
3022 concliue] Johnson (1755, conjunctive, 1): “coniunctive]] adj. [adjunctivus, Latin] 1. Closely united: a sense not in use. [cites Hamlet; erroneously attributed to 1H4].”
1818 Todd
Todd = John +
3022 concliue] Todd (1818, conjuntive, 1): “adj. [adjunctivus, Latin] 1. Closely united: a sense not in use. Dr. Johnson says. He overlooked, however, Thomson. [cites Thomson’s Summer ver. 1773]. [cites Hamlet; erroneously attributed to 1H4]
1843 col1
3022 concliue] Collier (ed. 1843) : “coniunctive]] The quartos, 1604, &c. have it concliue , which is clearly an error.”
1858 col3
col3≈col1 + magenta underlined
3022 concliue] Collier (ed. 1858) : “coniunctive]] The quartos, 1604, &c. have it concliue , which is clearly nonsense. ‘conjunctive’ here means united.”
1872 del4
3022 concliue] Delius (ed. 1872) : “Für conjunctive=verbunden, der Fol. haben die Qs. conclive.” [“For conjunctive, [which means] connected, in the Folio, the Qs. have concliue.”]
1872 cln1
3022 concliue] Clark & Wright (ed. 1872):”See [Oth. 1.3.374 (718)]: ‘Let us be conjunctive in our revenge.’”
1889 Barnett
3022 concliue] Barnett (1889, p. 57): <p. 57>“coniunctive]] joined with.”</p.57>
1890 irv2
irv2 : standard
3022 concliue Symons (in Irving & Marshall, ed. 1890): “conjunctive]] closely united.”
3022 concliue] Symons (in Irving & Marshall, ed. 1890): “This word occurs in only one other passage (in which, however, the Qq. have communicative), [Oth. 1.3.374 (718)]: ‘Let us be conjunctive in our revenge.’”
1899 ard1
3022 concliue] Dowden (ed. 1899): “The idea of planetary conjunction seems to have suggested the line that follows [3023].”
1905 rltr
rltr : standard
3022 concliue] Chambers (ed. 1905): “conjunctive]] united.”
1925 Kellner
3022 concliue] Kellner (1925, p. 73): <p. 73> “This unintelligible reading of Qq is corrected in F—conjunctive.” </p. 73>
1931 crg1
crg1 ≈ standard
3022 concliue] conjunctive]]
1934a cam3
cam3 ≈ ard1
3022 concliue] Wilson (ed. 1934): “conjuntive]]v.G. and also ‘sphere”
cam3 : standard
3022 concliue] Wilson (ed. 1934, Glossary, conjunctive): “(a) closely united, (b) a technical term of astrology used of two planets in close proximity.”
1934b rid1
rid1 : standard
3022 concliue] Ridley (ed. 1934, Glossary):
1938 parc
parc : standard
3022 concliue]conjunctive]]
1939 kit2
kit2 ≈ standard
3022 concliue] Kittredge (ed. 1939, conjunctive)
kit2 ≈ standard
3022 concliue] Kittredge (ed. 1939, Glossary, conjunctive)
1947 cln2
cln2 ≈ standard (perhaps CAM3 or IRV)
3022 concliue]conjunctive]]
1951 crg2
crg2= crg1
3022 concliue]conjunctive]]
1957 pel1
pel1 : standard
3022 concliue]conjunctive]]
1970 pel2
3022 concliue]conjunctive]]
1974 evns1
evns1 ≈ standard
3022 concliue]conjunctive]]
1980 pen2
pen2 ≈ standard
3022 concliue]conjunctive]]
1982 ard2
ard2 ≈ standard +
3022 concliue]conjunctive]] Jenkins (ed. 1982): “In the imagery of the next line, however, the idea of a conjunction between planets gives way to that of a planet held to a fixed orbit.”
1984 chal
chal : standard
3022 concliue]conjunctive]]
1985 cam4
cam4 ≈ standard
3022 concliue]conjunctive]]
1987 oxf4
oxf4 ≈ standard ; Oed
3022 concliue]conjunctive]]
1988 bev2
bev2 ≈ standard (cam3 def. a)
3022 concliue]conjunctive]]
1992 fol2
fol2≈ standard
3022 concliue]conjunctive]]
1993 dent
3022 concliue]conjunctive]] Andrews (ed. 1989): “joined to. This is one of many images of jointure in the play. Claudius is saying that he is as totally devoted to his wife as she is to her son. The King’s phrasing is yet another reminder that his illegitimate union with Gertrard constitutes his principal claim to legitimacy as Denmark’s monarch. See the note to I.ii.9.”
1998 OED
3022 concliue] OED (conjunctive) conjunctive (kndktv), a. and sb. [ad. L. conjunctiv-us, f. conjunct- ppl. stem: see CONJUNCT and -IVE. In F. conjonctif, -ive (16th c.).]A. adj. 2. Conjunct, conjoined, united; = CONJUNCT 1. 1604 SHAKS. Oth. I. iii. 374 Let vs be coniunctiue in our reuenge, against him. 1694 CHILD Disc. Trade (ed. 4) 103 All must be conjunctive, but one body politick, or the work will never be done. 1727 THOMSON Summer (1738) 1178 To live like Brothers, and conjunctive all Embellish Life. 1884 Kendal Merc. & Times 3 Oct. 5/6 His conjunctive admission that he was not prepared to propose any substitute was received with considerable laughter. b. Having a relation of conjunction or union. 1602 SHAKS. Ham. IV. vii. 14 She’s so coniunctiue to my life and soule; That as the Starre moues not butin his Sphere, I could not but by her.