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Line 3021 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 2951-end ed. Hardin A. Aasand
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
3021 My vertue or my plague, be it eyther which,4.7.13
1791- rann
3021 plague] Rann (ed. 1791-) : “fault.”
1819 cald1
3021 be it eyther which] Caldecott (ed. 1819) : “Whichever of the two it be; be it either [[of them, that]] which [[I speak of.]]
1832 cald2
cald2 = cald1
3021 be it eyther which]
1854 del2
3021 My vertue or my plague] Delius (ed. 1854) : “der König weiss nicht, ob es ein Heil oder Unheil für ihn ist, dass er nicht ohne die Königin leben kann.” [“The king doesn’t know if it is safe or unsafe for him, since he can’t live without the queen.” ]
1869 tsch
3021 be it eyther which] Tschischwitz (ed. 1869): “Eine Verstärkung des either durch which, wie sie nicht häufig vorzukommen scheint, da which hier als Indefinitum, ags. hvyle, im Sinne von: irgend eins augzufassen ist. Koch II. 281. VIII.” [“An amplification of either with which, as seems not to be frequent, since which is perceived here as an indefinite, from A.S. hvyle, perhaps the same in meaning [as either].”]
1870 Abbott
3021 be it eyther which] Abbott (¶273):“In [cites 3021], there is, perhaps, a confusion between ‘be it either,’ and ‘be it whichever of the two.’ Perhaps, however, ‘either’ may be taken in its original sense of ‘one of the two,’ so that ‘either which’ is ‘which-one-so-ever of the two.’”
1872 del4
del4 = del2
3021 be it eyther which]
1872 cln1
cln1 ≈ Abbott
3021 be it eyther which] Clark & Wright (ed. 1872):”whichever of the two it be. Abbott, §273, suggests that there is perhaps a confusion between ‘be it either’ and ‘be it whichever of the two.’”
1877 v1877
v1877 : ≈ Abbott
3021 be it eyther which]
1885 macd
3021 eyther which] MacDonald (ed. 1885): “‘either-which.’”
1909 subb
subb ≈ Abbott
3021 be it eyther which]
1939 kit2
kit2 ≈ standard
3021 be it eyther which]
1947 cln2
3021 Rylands (ed. 1947): “i.e. I know not whether to call my dependence upon her a blessing or a curse.”
1974 evns1
evns1 : standard
3021 be it eyther which]
1980 pen2
3021 My . . . plague] Spencer (ed. 1980): “whether it is a good side of my character or a serious misfortune (that I have these feelings contrary to my self-intense).”
1982 ard2
ard2 ≈ standard
3021 be it eyther which]
1984 chal
chal : standard
3021 be it eyther which]
1985 cam4
3021-24 My . . . her] Edwards (ed. 1985): “Claudius’s profession of his total attachment to Gertrude is deeply important, and suggests something of his motive for murder. But if we are impressed by his candour, we notice that Claudius is concealing from Laertes his real difficulty in proceeding against Hamlet—namely his fear of being exposed—and also the fact that he has ((as he supposes)) already sent Hamlet to his death.”
1987 oxf4
oxf4 ≈ Abbott
3021 be it eyther which]