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Line 2875 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 2023-2950 ed. Frank N. Clary
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
2875 Quee. But not by him. 28754.5.129
1870 Abbott
2875 by] Abbott (1870, §146): “(‘near,’ ‘Following close after,’ hence ‘as a consequence of’). Hence sometimes it seems to be (but is not) used instrumentally with adjectives which appear to be (but are not) used as passive verbs.
“By does not mean ‘by means of,’ but ‘as a consequence of,’ in ‘not by him.”
1957 Heilbrun
2875 Heilbrun (1957, rpt. 1990, p. 13): Gertrude tells Laertes this “before he can do any meaningless damage.”
2008 Kliman
Kliman contra Heilbrun
2875 Kliman (2008): “Heilbrun does not consider that Laertes’s next question must be, ’Then how came he dead?’ and the answer has to be ’murdered by Hamlet.’ Gertrude could have quickly said, instead of her one line, ’Hamlet killed your father by accident.’ But she doesn’t.”