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Line 2773 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 2023-2950 ed. Frank N. Clary
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
2773 He is dead & gone Lady, he is dead and gone, {Song.}4.5.30
1870 rug1
rug1: Percy
2773 He is dead & gone] Moberly (ed. 1870): He’s dead and gone] “Bishop Percy worked this and other Shaksperian fragments into his ballad of the Friar of Orders Gray. It has been well remarked that the real madness of Ophelia contrasts in the most unmistakable way with the counterfeit in Hamlet. Ophelia does not know which is dead, her lover or her husband; she is so haunted by the warnings of her father and brother that she imagines herself to have justified them with wanton conduct. She also imagines that her own thought of sending for Laertes (on which she seems to have acted before her mind failed) is good advice which she has received from the king and queen. Besides this, she is for ever trying to move straws out of her way, as if otherwise they would be impassable obstacles. Had she been compelled to step across a straw, it would have been anguish to her.”
1877 v1877
2773-4, 2780-2 Furness (ed. 1877): “The continuation of the same song, and to the same tune.”