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Line 2743+22 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 2023-2950 ed. Frank N. Clary
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
2743+22 {Why the man dies. I humbly thanke you sir.}4.4.30
1868 c&mc
2743+22 I . . . sir] Clarke & Clarke (ed. 1868, rpt. 1878): “Very characteristic is this of gracious-mannered Prince Hamlet. See Note 63, Act i. He unconsciously lapses into his own natural reflective mood upon receiving the captain’s information; then, recollecting himself, he gives him this courteous acknowledgement as a kind of dismissal; and the follows up his desire to indulge unobserved meditation. By sending his court attendants on a ‘little before.’ The whole of this dialogue and soliloquy, to our mind, affords conclusive proof—even if other were wanting—that Hamlet’s madness is sheer feigning, and that Shakespeare fully intended him to not only to be entirely in possession of his senses, but depicted him as one of his men of soundest and profoundest intellect.”