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Line 2720 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 2023-2950 ed. Frank N. Clary
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
2720 Delay it not, Ile haue him hence to night. 27204.3.55
1872 cln1
cln1: xref.
2720 Ile . . . hence] Clark and Wright (ed. 1872): “Compare [3.3.4 (2275)].”
1891 dtn
2720 Ile . . . hence] Deighton (ed. 1891): “I am determined that he shall sail.”
1993 dent
dent: xrefs.
2720 to night] Andrews (ed. 1993): “Tonight. But Claudius’ phrasing can also carry more sinister implications. Compare [1.4.8 (612), 3.4.165 (2544+5), 4..1.5 (2591)], and see Mac. [1.5.31, 59 (380, 412), 2.3.60 [809].”