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Line 2690+1 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 2023-2950 ed. Frank N. Clary
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
2690+1 {King. Alas, alas.} 2690+14.3.26
1885 macd
2690+1 MacDonald (ed. 1885): “pretending despair over his madness.”
1934 cam3
cam3: MSH
2690+1-2690+3 Alas . . . that worme] Wilson (ed. 1934): “F1 omits. MSH. p. 23.”
1987 oxf4
oxf4: xref.
2690+1-2690+3 Alas . . . worme] Hibbard (ed. 1987): “The omission of these words from F appears to be the result of compositorial carelessness not of a deliberate cut, since they are represented in Q1 and are needed to prompt Claudius’s question at [4.3.29 (2691)].”
2006 ard3q2
ard3q2: standard
2690+1-3 Alas. . . that worm] Thompson & Taylor (ed. 2006): “The fact that a version of these lines appears in Q1 causes Hibbard to assume that F’s omission of them was an error rather than a deliberate cut..”

ard3q2: 2701, 2721-31 xrefs
2690+1 Alas, alas] Thompson & Taylor (ed. 2006): “In all three texts the King’s pretence of concern for Hamlet’s welfare (also at 39-40 [2701]) is undermined by his expressed determination in soliloquy that he is sending him to his death (see 56-66 [2721-31]).”