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Line 2617 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 2023-2950 ed. Frank N. Clary
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
2617 But we will ship him hence, and this {vile} <vilde> deede4.1.30
1822 Nares
Nares: Tmp. //; Spenser. Heywood analogues
2617 vile] Nares (1822, glossary, vild): “The same as vile, often so written, though no reason appears for it in the etymology, or otherwise. Johnson writes it vil’d, as if from a verb; but it is not so. See him in Vil’d. It is commonly written vilde. ‘—But this vild race, Though thou didst learn, had that in’t which good natures Could not abide to be with.’ Tmp. [1.2.358-60 (499)]. ‘With beastly sin thought her to have defilde, And made the vassall of his pleasures vilde.’ Spens. F.Q. I.vi.3. ‘But what art thou? what goddesse, or how styl’d? A. Age am I call’d. E. Hence false virago vyld.’ Heyw. Pleasant Dialogues, p.42. ‘Thus seventeene years I liv’d like one exil’d, Until I able was to breake a launce, And for that place me seem’d too base and vild. Har. Ariost. xx.7.”
1881 hud3
2617 vile] Hudson (ed. 1881): “The quartos have ‘this vile deed,’ the folio, ‘this vilde deed.’ I strongly suspect it ought to be ‘this wild deed’; that is, mad or crazy. The epithet wild just suits the case: and, as the King knows that the Queen fully believes Hamlet to be mad, is it likely that in speaking to her of the act he would use the epithet vile? And the King himself says, a little after, ‘Hamlet in madness hath Polonius slain.’ The two words vilde and wilde were often confounded.”
1891 dtn
2617 But] Deighton (ed. 1891): “than.”