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Line 2607 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 2023-2950 ed. Frank N. Clary
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
2607 We would not vnderstand what was most fit,4.1.20
1891 dtn
2607 We . . . vnderstand] Deighton (ed. 19891: “we deliberately refused to perceive: we purposely shut our eyes to; the king cannot help being a hypocrite even to himself and his queen.”
1939 kit2
2607 We would not] Kittredge (ed. 1939): “So people will say.”
1993 dent
dent: xref.
2607 fit] Andrews (ed. 1993): “Suitable, appropriate. This word echoes line 8 [2594].”
2006 ard3q2
2607 would not] Thompson & Taylor (ed. 2006): “chose not to.”