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Line 2680 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 2023-2950 ed. Frank N. Clary
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
2680 Ros. {How,} <Hoa, Guildensterne? > bring in {the} <my> Lord. {They enter.}4.3.15
1869 tsch
2680 Tschischwitz (ed. 1869): “Es zeigt sich deutlich, dass "Freund Guildenstern" den Wächter Hamlets spielt, da Rosencrantz ihm zuruft: Ho, G.! b r i n g i n my lord.” [It is clearly shown that Friend Guildenstern plays Hamlet’s guard, since Rosencrantz calls to him: Ho, G., bring in my lord.]