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Line 2503 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 2023-2950 ed. Frank N. Clary
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
2503 Start vp and stand an end, ô gentle sonne3.4.122
1857 fieb
fieb: xref.
2503 stand an end] Fiebig (ed. 1857): “See [1.5.19 (704)]: ‘And each particular hair to stand on end,’ etc.”
1861 wh1
2503 Starts. . . stand] White (ed. 1861): “So all the old copies; they having ‘haire’ in the preceding line. The noun must be made plural, or the two verbs singular. Hitherto the latter has been done. In my opinion the smaller change obtains the finer reading.”
1866a dyce2
dyce2: wh1
2503 Starts . . . stands] Dyce (ed. 1866): “Here Mr. Grant White states that ‘Start’ and ‘stand’ is the reading of all the old copies,—a mistake: quarto 1611, for instance, has ‘Starts’ and ‘stands.’—As to ‘on end’—in passages where the old eds. happen to have ‘an end’—see note 36, and the eaarlier note there referred to.”
1877 v1877
v1877 = fieb
1877 dyce3
dyce3 = dyce2
1899 ard1
ard1 = v1877
1931 crg1
2503 an] Craig (ed. 1931): “on.”
1939 kit2
kit2 = v1877
1957 pel1
pel1 = crg1
1974 evns1
evns1 = crg1
2503 an end] Evans (ed. 1974): “on end.”
1980 pen2
pen2 = crg1
1982 ard2
ard2 = v1877
1984 chal
chal = ard2
1997 evns2
evns2 = evns1