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Line 2445 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 2023-2950 ed. Frank N. Clary
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
2445 Where euery God did seeme to set his seale 24453.4.61
1857 fieb
fieb: xref.
2445 seale] Fiebig (ed. 1857): “Compare what we have said concerning the word seal, [3.2.399 (2270)].”
1877 neil
neil: John analogue
2445 set his seale] Neil (ed. 1877): “John, iii, 33.”
1885 macd
macd: JC //
2445-6 MacDonald (ed. 1885): “See JC [5.5.68 (2717-24)]—speech of Antony at the end.”
1891 dtn
2445 Deighton (ed. 1891): “which bore the impression of the hand of all the gods, set there in attestation of his nobility.”
1937 pen1
2445 set his seale] Harrison (ed. 1937): “guarantee.”
1980 pen2
2445 euery God . . . seale] Spencer (ed. 1980): “This seems to be a reminiscence of the classical story of the creation of man, in which each of the gods gave something.”
1988 bev2
2445 set his seale] Bevington (ed. 1988): “i.e., affix his approval.”
2006 ard3q2
ard3q2: ≈ bev2; 1916, 2270 xrefs
2445 set his seal] Thompson & Taylor (ed. 2006): “place his mark of approval or ownership (see also 3.2.61 [1916] and 3.2.389 [2270]).”