Notes for lines 2023-2950 ed. Frank N. Clary
2413 Q3, Q4, F1, Q5, F2, F3, Q6, Q7, Q8, F4, Q9, Q10, rowe1, rowe2, tjoh1, rowe3, wilk1, tjoh2, wilk2, cap, knt1, dyce1, stau, glo, cam1, cln1, v1877, irv2, ard1, nlsn, vand, rid1, pen1, kit1, alex, sis, evns1, pen2, ard2, oxf4, bev2, evns2, ard3q2 = Q2 (subst.)
2413 SD To Polonius before 2413 hud1, oxf1, cam3, cln2, oxf2
rash, intruding] rash-intruding dyce2, dyce3, hud2
SD To Polonius follows 2413 pope1, pope2, theo1, theo2, han1, han2, warb, theo4, gar, john1, john2, jen, gent, v1778, v1785, mal, rann, v1793, v1803. v1813, cald1, v1821, sing1, cald2, col1, del2, sing2, col3, wh1, ktly, hal, tsch; When he sees it is Polonius. v1773; Seeing the body of Polonius col2; To the dead body of Polonius col4; He pulls Polonius’ body from behind the arras fol2