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Line 2403 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 2023-2950 ed. Frank N. Clary
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
2403 Pol. What {how helpe} <hoa, helpe, helpe, helpe>.3.4.23
1642 Milton
2403 Milton (An Apology . . . upon the Remonstrant against Smectymnuus [a pamphlet written by 5 Presbyterian divines, against episcopacy. It was answered by Bp Hall, to whom Milton responded, eliciting Hall’s scurrilous criticism. Milton compares Hall to Polonius.], 1642, apud Ingleby et al. 1932, 1:474-5): “The Champion from behind the Arras cries out that those toothless Satyrs were of the Remonstrants making; and armes himself here tooth and naile, and horne to boot, to supply the want of teeth, or rather of gumms in the Satirs.”
1869 tsch
tsch: elze
2403 What how helpe] Tschischwitz (ed. 1869): “Hier weichen die Lesarten wesentlich ab. Q.! hat offenbar am schlechtesten: Helpe for the Queene! denn dieser Ausruf ist viel zu lang, als dass der Prinz nicht seine Irrthum einsehen und den Polon. an der Stimme erkennen sollte. Aus diesem Grunde ist die kurze Fassung der Q2 auch jener längeren der F1 vorzuziehen. S, Elze, p. 211.” [Here the different versions differ in significant ways. Q1 clearly has the worst: Helpe for the Queene! for this cry is much to long to prevent the prince from realizing his error and recognizing Polonius by his voice. For this reason the short version of Q2 is also preferable to the longer one of F1. See Elze, p. 211.]