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Line 2373 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 2023-2950 ed. Frank N. Clary
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
2373 Words without thoughts neuer to heauen goe. Exit.3.3.98
1868 c&mc
2373 Clarke & Clarke (ed. 1868, rpt. 1878): “This couplet forms a fitting conclusion to the previous finely monitored speech of the king; the writhings of remorse, of guilt clinging to guilty gains, of feeble struggle towards repentance overpowered by unsubdued vicious inclinations, of the incapacity to pray or to receive the solace of prayer when the soul is thus trammelled, were surely never more forcibly depicted.”
1891 dtn
2373 Deighton (ed. 1891): “mere words of prayer, into which heartfelt penitence does not enter, never reach the throne of God.”
1934 cam3
2373 never to heaven goe] Wilson (ed. 1934): “Cf. ll. 74-8 [2351-55]. After all, there is no ‘relish of salvation’ in the K.’s prayer.”