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Line 2336 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 2023-2950 ed. Frank N. Clary
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
2336 Buyes out the lawe, but tis not so aboue,3.3.60
1869 tsch
2336 Buyes out the lawe] Tschischwitz (ed. 1869): “Der Ertrag des Verbrechens erkauft die Richter.” [The profit from the crime pays off the judges.]
1870 rug1
2336 Buyes out the lawe] Moberly (ed. 1870): “As a Roman provincial magistrate constantly aimed at making a fortune large enough to bribe himself clear from a suit ‘de repetundis.’”
1872 del4
2336 Buyes out the lawe] Delius (ed. 1872): “Oft erlebt man es, dass die Strenge des Gesetzes vermittelst des Lohns der ungerechten Beute selbst abgewendet wird, dass der Dieb mit dem Ertrage seines Diebstahls die Richter besticht und ohne Strafe davonkommt).” [One often sees that the strictness of the law is reduced by means of payment of illegal booty, that the thief with the money from his theft bribes the judge and comes away without punishment.]
1935 ev2
ev2 ≈ tsch
2336 Buyes out the lawe] Boas (ed. 1935): “the law is bribed by the very wealth, which has been wrongfully acquired.”
1939 kit2
kit2: Ford analogue
2336 tis not so aboue] Kittredge (ed. 1939): “Cf. Ford, Love’s Sacrifice, 2.2 (ed. Gifford and Dyce, III, 62): ‘Heaven is an unbrib’d justice.’”
1947 yal2
2336 Buyes out] Cross & Brooke (ed. 1947): “corrupts.”
1980 pen2
2336 aboue] Spencer (ed. 1980): “in heaven.”