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Line 2316 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 2023-2950 ed. Frank N. Clary
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
2316 My stronger guilt defeats my strong entent,3.3.40
1857 fieb
2316 entent] Fiebig (ed. 1857): “My strong intention (to pray) is overthrown or frustrated by the still greater power of my offence or crime.”
1866 ktlyn
2316 defeats] Keightley (ed. 1866, glossary): “defeat] to free, to disembarrass.”
1885 macd
macd ≈ fieb
2316 My stronger guilt] MacDonald (ed. 1885): “his present guilty indulgence—stronger than his strong intent to pray.”
1891 dtn
dtn ≈ macd
2316 Deighton (ed. 1891): “strong as my purpose is, my guilt is stronger still, and overcomes it."