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Line 2008-09 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 1018-2022 ed. Eric Rasmussen
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
2008-9 The Players | cannot keepe <counsell>, they’le tell all. 
1881 hud2
2008-9 Hudson (ed. 1881): “Hamlet is running a high strain of jocularity with Ophelia, in order to hide his purpose. The wit here turns upon the fact, that an actor’s business is speaking; blurting out before the world what would else be unknown; as dramatic personages are always supposed to be speaking, as without an audience, what an audience is nevertheless listening to. Hence they are ever blabbing to the public the things they confide to each other.”
1885 macd
2008-9 MacDonald (ed. 1885): “—their part being speech, that of the others only dumb show.”
1934a cam3
2008-9 Wilson (ed. 1934): “ If the K. had seen the dumb—show, the players would already have told him all. Ham.’s fears for what ‘this fellow’ may say show that so far the secret is safe.”
2008 2009