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Line 2061 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 2023-2950 ed. Frank N. Clary
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
2061 To pay our selues what to our selues is debt,3.2.193
1765 john1
2061 what . . . debt] Johnson (ed. 1765): “The performance of a resolution in which only the resolver is interested, is a debt only to himself, which he may therefore remit at pleasure.”
1773 v1773
v1773 = john1
1778 v1778
v1778 = v1773
1785 v1785
v1785 = v1778
1790 mal
mal = v1785
1793 v1793
v1793 = v1785
1803 v1803
v1803 = v1793
1813 v1813
v1813 = v1803
1819 cald1
cald1=john1 + magenta underlined
2061 what . . . debt] Caldecott (ed. 1819): “i.e. is such, only to ourselves. Dr. Johnson says, the performance of a resolution, in which only the resolver is interested, is a debt only to himself, which he may therefore remit at pleasure.”
1821 v1821
v1821 = v1813
1826 sing1
sing1 = v1821
1832 cald2
cald2 = cald1
1856b sing2
sing2 = sing1
1857 fieb
fieb ≈ john1 + magenta underlined
2061 debt] Fiebig (ed. 1857): “Debt, adjective, for debted (pr. dét-ted), according to the ancient use of contraction we have mentioned.—Concerning the sense of these lines Johnson observes, that the performance of a resolution in which only the resolver is interested, is a debt only to himself, which he may therefore remit at pleasure.”
1877 v1877
1939 kit2
2061 To pay our selues] Kittredge (ed. 1939): “A purpose is an obligation laid upon us by ourselves; and we readily excuse ourselves for neglecting it, for a man is an indulgent creditor to himself.”
1947 cln2
cln2 ≈ john
2061-2062 Most . . . debt] Rylands (ed. 1947): “i.e. inevitably we forget what is due to ourselves (our previous resolves).”
1980 pen2
2061 pay . . . debt] Spencer (ed. 1980): “fulfil the promises we have made about actions which we ourselves have to perform.”
1984 chal
2061 debt] Wilkes (ed. 1984): “debt owed, promised.”