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Line 2045 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 2023-2950 ed. Frank N. Clary
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
2045 {Quee} <Bap>.. O confound the rest,3.2.177
1747-53 mtby4
2045 confound] thirlby (1747-53): “fsql don’t sound.”
1891 dtn
2045 O confound the rest] Deighton (ed. 1891): “shame on what you were about to add! i.e. pause before uttering such shameful words as are in your thought.”
1931 crg1
2045 confound] Craig (ed. 1931): “strike dumb.”
1939 kit2
kit2: xref., Kyd analogue
2045 Kittredge (ed. 1939): “O, may God destroy that which you were about to say! may it never come to pass! With the Queen’s protestations in [3.2.177 ff., 3.2.218 ff. (2085+1 ff.)], 2085+1 ff.], compare the heroics of Cornelia in Kyd’s Cornelia, Act 2.2.1 ff. (ed. Boas, pp. 111ff.)—a translation of Garnier’s Cornélie.”
Transcribed by BWK.
1974 evns1
2045 confound the rest] Evans (ed. 1974): “may destruction befall what you are about to speak of—a second marriage on my part.”
1997 evns2
evns2 = evns1
2003 ShQ
Hirschfield: 2050-3 xref
2045-2048 Hirschfield (2003, p. 440-41): <440> “As the Player King and Queen proclaim their love for one another, they worry over his approaching death. When the King suggests the Queen wed again, she refuses. The Player Queen’s ostentatious protest here. . . follows the logic of deferred action: as she suggests, a later event--a second wedding--testifies to a first--an earlier murder. Her next speech not only reproduces this logic but amplifies it, with the later event repeating as well as proving the first: [2050-3]. </440><441> The Queen’s intimation that remarriage duplicates murder, killing a husband not just once but twice, obeys a traumatic temporality, the structure of recurrence necessary to make a prior disaster known.”</441>
2006 ard3q2
ard3q2 ≈ mtby4, crg1
2045 confound] Thompson & Taylor (ed. 2006): “destroy (i.e. don’t utter).”