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Line 1835 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 1018-2022 ed. Eric Rasmussen
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
1835 Sprung from neglected loue: How now Ophelia?3.1.178
1882 elze
1835 How now Ophelia?] Elze (ed. 1882): “The words How now usually serve to address those that enter on the stage. From this and other reasons it appears, that Ophelia has not been present during the king’s conference with her father and here comes back to find the latter and inform him of the result of her interview with Hamlet; she makes her exit again after Polonius’ words: We heard it all.”
1885 macd
1835 MacDonald (ed. 1885): Polonius is crestfallen, but positive.”
1893 macdonald
1835-7 How now Ophelia . . . heard it all] MacDonald (1893, pp. 158-9): <p.158> “In ‘Hamlet,’ act iii, scene 1, did not Shakspeare intend the passionate soliloquy of Ophelia—a soliloquy which no maiden knowing that she was overheard would have uttered,—coupled with the words of her father: [quotes passage] to indicate that, weak as Ophelia was, she was not false enough to be accomplice in any plot for betraying Hamlet to her father and the King? They had </p.158><p.159> remained behind the arras, and had not gone out as she must have supposed.” </p.159>