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Line 1865-66 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 1018-2022 ed. Eric Rasmussen
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
1865-6 your tutor, sute the action to the word, | the word to the action, with  
1612 Heywood
1865-6 sute the action . . . action] Tho. Heywood (An Apology for Actors, 1612, apud Ingleby et al. 1932, 1: 232): “Rhetoric . . . instructs him to fit the phrases to his action, and his action to his phrases, and his pronountiation to them both.”
1882 elze
elze: Heywood
1865 sute the action to the word] Elze (ed. 1882): “This passage seems to have been alluded to by Thomas Heywood in his Apology for Actors (1612), reprinted for the Shakespeare-Society, p. 29. After giving his actor a ‘few precepts’ on his art, he winds up by saying: It (viz. rhetoricke) instructs him to fit his phrases to his action, and his action to his phrase, and his pronunciation to them both.”
1865 1866