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Line 1719 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 1018-2022 ed. Eric Rasmussen
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
1719 To sleepe, perchance to dreame, I there’s the rub,3.1.64
1765 Olivier Goldsmith
1719 I there’s the rub] Goldsmith (1765, apud Williamson p. 12) The phrase “is a vulgarism beneath the dignity of Hamlet’s character . . . . ”
1825 European Magazine
"Gunthio" pseudonym
1719 I] "Gunthio" (1825, p. 340, note): “Readers not familiar with early printed books may require to be apprised that I as in the above instance [from Q1 CLN 836,]) was commonly put for ay;”
1872 cln1
1719 the rub] Clark & Wright (ed. 1872): “a term of bowels, meaning a collision hindering the bowel in its course. See note on Richard II, iii. 4. 4."
1881 hud2
1719 the rub] Hudson (ed. 1881): “Rub is obstruction, hindrance. A word borrowed from the bowling--alley, where it was used of any thing that deflected the bowl from its aim.”
1899 ard1
1719 the rub] Dowden (ed. 1899): “impediment, as in King Henry V. II. ii. 188.