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Line 1701 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 1018-2022 ed. Eric Rasmussen
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
1701 King. O tis {too} true,3.1.48
1818-19 mclr2
1701 O] Coleridge (ms. notes 1819 in Ayscough, ed. 1807; rpt. Coleridge, 1998, 12.4:850): <p. 850>“The O here is to be so pronounced as to be equal in effect of sound to a spondee or at least an iambic dissyllable: and the metre to be thus restored— ‘The devil himself. Oh! it is too true! How smart a lash, that speech doth give my Conscience.’”</p. 850>
1934a cam3
1701-6 Wilson (ed. 1934): “The first indication that the K.’s conscience is uneasy. It links [(1632-42)] with the Play-scene and the Prayer-scene later.”