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Line 1648 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 1018-2022 ed. Eric Rasmussen
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
1648 King. An can you by no drift of {conference} <circumstance>3.1.1
1843 col1
1648 Collier (ed. 1843): “So, the quartos, 1604, &c. The folio substitutes circumstances, which, from what follows was probably not the word.”
1861 wh1
1648 White (ed. 1861): “‘---by no drift of circumstance’:--The 4tos. have the less significant reading, ‘drift of conference.’
1872 cln1
1648 drift ] Clark & Wright (ed. 1872): "occurs ii. 1. 10, and ’drift of circumstance’ means roundabout method. For ’circumstance’ in this scene see i. 5. 127, and for the two words see Troilus and Cressida, iii. 3. 113,114. ’Circumstance’ is the reading of the folios; the quartos have ’conference,’ which seems less appropriate. For ’drfit’ see Two Gentlemen of Verona, ii. 6. 43: ’Love, lend me wings to make my purpose swift, As thou hast lent me wings to plot this drift!’"
1877 col4
18?? dyce3
1881 hud2
1648 Hudson (ed. 1881): “Course of indirect, roundabout inquiry.”
1882 elze
1648 conference] Elze (ed. 1882): “Compare § 58: drift of question; § 114: in the eare Of all their conference. Dekker, The Honest Whore, Part I, III, 1 (Middleton, ed. Dyce, III, 58): Signor Pandulfo the merchant desires conference with you.”
1883 wh2
1899 ard1
drift of circumstance] Dowden (ed. 1899): “Clar. Press explain: ‘roundabout mehtod,’ referring to ‘circumstance’ in 1. V. 127.’drift’ in II. I. 10, and both words (but not in connection) in Troilus and Cressida, III. iii. 113, 114. May it mean tendency or significance of incidedtal facts?