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Line 1632 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 1018-2022 ed. Eric Rasmussen
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
1632 They haue proclaim’d their malefactions:2.2.592
1843 col1
1632 Collier (ed. 1843): “See a very curious and apposite instance of the kind in T. Heywood’s ‘Apology for Actors,’ 1612, reprinted for the Shakespeare Society, p. 57. The same story is told in the old tragedy, ‘ A Warning for Fair Women,’ 4to, 1559. Perhaps the play was also the authorshipof Heywood, and several portions of it are not unlike his style, and would do him no discredit.”
1856 hud1 (1851-6)
1632 Hudson (ed. 1856): “Several instances of the kind are collected by Thomas Heywood in his Apology for Actors.”
1889-90 mbarrett
1632 & looke you . . . not] L. Barrett (ms. notes in PB 82, HTC, Shattuck 108): “Is not the emphatic word here ‘proclaimed’? Remember the story of the Cranes of Ibycus!—The miracle to be wrought by this play is that the murderer shall betray or ‘proclaim his malefaction.’ L.B.”