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Line 1411-12 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 1018-2022 ed. Eric Rasmussen
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
1411-2 twenty, fortie, {fifty,} a hundred | duckets a peece, for his Picture 
1778 v1778
1411-12 Picture in little] Steevens (ed. 1778): “i.e. in miniature. So, in The Noble Soldier, 1634: ‘The perfection of all Spaniards, Mars in little.’ Again, in Drayton’s Shepherd’s Sirena: ‘Paradise in little done.’ Again, in Massinger’s New way to pay old debts: ‘His father’s picture in little.’”
1785 v1785
v1785 = v1778
1791- rann
1412 in little.] Rann (ed. 1791-): “—in miniature.”
1784 ays
1411-12 Picture in little] Ayscough (ed. 1784): “i.e. in miniature.”
1853 dyce
1412 in little] Dyce (1853, A Few Notes, p. 140): “Here Steevens cites Rowley, Drayton, and Massinger. He might have shewn that the expression ‘in little’ was used by writers long after the time of Shakespeare: so in Shadwell’s Sullen Lovers; ‘I will paint with Lilly [Lely], and draw in little with Cooper for 5000l.’ Works, i.27.”
1872 cln1
1411-2 Picture in little] Clark & Wright (ed. 1872): “miniature. Compare As You Like It, iii. 2. 148: ’The quintessence of every sprite Heaven would in little show.’ "
1885 macd
1411-2 Picture in little] MacDonald (ed. 1885): “If there be any logical link here, except that, after the instance adduced, no change in social fashion—nothing at all indeed, is to be wondered at, I fail to see it. Perhaps the speech is intended to belong to the simulation. The last sentence of it appears meant to convey the impression that he suspects nothing—is only bewildered by the curse of things.”
1899 ard1
1411-2 Picture in little] Dowden (ed. 1899): “miniature. The children-miniature actors-now carry away Hercules; so too have fashions changed with respect to kings.”
1411 1412