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Line 1360-1 - Material Textual Note (TNM) More Information

Notes for lines 1018-2022 ed. Eric Rasmussen
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
1360-1 Ham. Why did yee laugh {then}, when I sayd man delights | not me. 
1360 yee] you Ff, rowe1, rowe2, tjoh1, rowe3, tjoh2, pope1, pope2, theo1, theo2, han1, warb, theo4, john1, john2, cap, jen, v1773, gent, v1778, v1785, mal, rann, v1793, v1803, v1813, cald1, v1821, sing1, col1, hud1, sing2, dyce1, col3, ktly, cam1, del4, hud2, cln1, col4, irv, ard1, nlsn, kit1
then] Om. Ff, rowe1, rowe2, tjoh1, rowe3, [tjoh2 restores Qq reading], pope1, pope2, theo1, theo2, han1, warb, theo4, john1, john2
1360-1 man . . . me] Highlighted han1, cap, v1778, v1785, mal, rann, v1793, v1803, v1813, cald1, v1821, sing1, sing2, stau, hud1, cam1, hud2, cln1 (offset by quotes), col4, irv, oxf1, ard1, nlsn (quotes), cam3, kit1 (quotes)
1361 me.] ~ ? Ff, Q5, Q6, Q7, Q8, Q9, Q10, rowe1, rowe2, tjoh1, rowe3, tjoh2, wilk1, wilk2, pope1, pope2, theo1, theo2, han1, warb, theo4, john1, john2, cap, jen, v1773, gent, v1778, v1785, mal, rann, v1793, v1803, v1813, cald1, v1821, sing1, col1, del2, hud1, sing2, dyce1, col3, stau, ktly, cam1, del4, hud2, cln1, col4, irv, oxf1, ard1, nlsn, cam3, kit1, sis, ard2
1360 1361