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Notes for lines 1018-2022 ed. Eric Rasmussen
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
1337-8 Ham. Nay then I haue an eye of you? if you loue me | hold not of. 
1773 v1773
1337 an eye of you] (ed. 1773): “An eye of you means, I have a glimpse of your meaning.”
1778 v1778
v1778 = v 1773
1784 Davies
1337 an eye of you] Davies (1784, p. 44): "I see plainly I must be on my guard. These men, I find, are mere agents of mighty employers; and are no other than court-spies.”
1784 ays
ays = v1773 without attribution
1337 an eye of you] Ayscough (ed. 1784): “An eye of you means, I have a glimpse of your meaning.”
1785 v1785
v1785 = v1778
1791- rann
rann ≈ ays
1337 an eye of you;] Rann (ed. 1791-): “—a glimpse of your design.”
1793 v1793
v1793 = v1785
1803 v1803
v1803 = v1793
1813 v1813
v1813 = v1803
1821 v1821
v1821 = v1813+
1337 an eye of you] Boswell (ed. 1821): “To have an eye upon any one, that is, to be aware of what he is about, is still a common phrase.”
1826 sing1
sing1 ≈ v1821
1337-8 an eye of you] Singer (ed. 1826): “To have an eye of any one is to have an inkling of his purpose, or to be aware of what he is about. It is still a common phrase. The first quarto has :--’Nay, then I see how the wind sets.’”
1843 col1
col1: Steevens +
1337-8 an eye of you] Collier (ed. 1843): “Steevens says, ‘an eye of you means I have a glimpse of your meaning.’ It is, in fact, only one out of many instances in which, in the time of Shakespeare, the preposition ‘of’ was used for on.
1856 hud1 (1851-6)
1337 I have an eye of you] Hudson (1856, p.256): "That is, I will watch you sharply; of for on, a common usage. H."
1856b sing2
1861 wh1
wh1 ≈ hud1
1337 I have an eye of you] White (ed. 1861): “ ‘---I have an eye of you’:--i. e., on you.
1872 hud2
hud2 = hud1
1872 cln1
cln1 ≈ wh1
1337 of you] Clark & Wright (ed. 1872): "i.e. upon you. Compare ii. 2. 28."
1877 clns
clns = steevens without attribution
1337 an eye of you] Neil (ed. 1877): “a glimpse of your meaning.”
1885 macd
macd : standard
1337-8 I have an eye of you] MacDonald (ed. 1885): “(aside) ‘I will keep an eye upon you.’”
1337-8 hold not of] MacDonald (ed. 1885): “ ‘do not hold back.’”
1899 ard1
ard1 : standard
1337 of you] Dowden (ed. 1899): “on you. So ‘of’ for ‘on’ in II. ii. 27.”
1337 1338