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Line 1331-2 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 1018-2022 ed. Eric Rasmussen
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1331-2 rights of our fellowship, by the consonancie of | our youth, by the 
1872 cln1
1331-2 consonancie of our youth] Clark & Wright (ed. 1872): "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern had been ’of so young days brought up with him,’ line 11."
1882 elze
1331 our fellowship] Elze (ed. 1882): “According to QA Rosencrans and Guyldensterne were fellow-students of Hamlet at Wittenberg, just like Horatio. Guyldensterne says (Mr Griggs’ facsimile, p. 29): —W’e thanke your grace, and would be very glad You were as when we were at Wittenberg.
“It need scarcely be pointed out, how wisely this university-fellowship has been dropped by the poet; as the text now stands, we may imagine the fellowship between the prince and the two young noblemen to have subsisted during their boyhood, when they were educated together at court. In § 158 Hamlet terms them his ‘schoolefellowes’, which designation, however, may refer to the university as well as to a boys-school.”
1885 macd
1330-1 MacDonald (ed. 1885): “He will not cast them from him without trying a direct appeal t their old friendship for plain dealing. This must be remembered in relation to his treatment of them afterwards. He affords them every chance of acting truly –conjuring them to honesty—giving them a push towards repentance.”
1934a cam3
1331-3 Wilson (ed. 1934): “by what more...withal = by any more moving appeal a better speaker than I could think of.”
1331 1332