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Notes for lines 1018-2022 ed. Eric Rasmussen
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
1171 This must not be: and then I {prescripts} <Precepts> gaue her2.2.142
1774-79? capn
1171 prescripts] Capell (1779-83 [1774], 1:130): “If the reader will look back to p. 22, l. 30. &c, and weigh them along with those he has here, he will see they were ‘prescripts’ that Ophelia receiv’d from her father; the word ‘advice’ in l. 18 set some player a criticising, and ‘precepts’ took their place in the folio, which they have kept ever since.”
1778 v1778
1171 prescripts] Steevens (ed. 1778): “Thus the folio. The two elder quartos read, prescripts.”
1785 v1785
v1785 = v1778
1790 mal
1171 prescripts ] Malone (ed. 1790): “Thus the quarto. The folio reads—precepts. The original copy in my opinion is right. Polonius had ordered his daughter to lock herself from Hamlet’s resort, &c.”
1791- rann
1171 precepts] Rann (ed. 1791-): “—prescripts—orders, directions.”
1793 v1793
v1793 = v1785, mal (+ magenta) +
1171 prescripts] Steevens (ed. 1793): “Thus the folio. The two elder quartos read-- prescripts. I have chosen the most familiar of the two readings. Polonius has already said to his son: ‘And these few precepts in thy memory Look thou character.’”
1171 prescripts] Malone (ed. 1793): “The original copy in my opinion is right. Polonius had ordered his daughter to lock herself from Hamlet’s resort, &c. See p. 59: ‘I would not, in plain terms, from this time forth, Have you so slander any moment’s leisure As to give words or talk with lord Hamlet: Look to’t, I charge you.’”
1803 v1803
v1803 = v1793 (changing Malone’s page number to 61).
1813 v1813
v1813 = v1803
1815 Becket
1171 prescripts] Becket (1815, p. 33): “‘Prescripts’ is right—signifying inhibition, restraint. That is the true reading the context will fully show. Polonius says that he had already observed to his daughter,‘Lord Hamlet is a prince: out of thy sphere—‘This must not be!’
“Now this we may consider as a precept, or hint, to Ophelia how she should behave. He then goes on.‘And then I prescripts (or orders) gave her,That she should lock herself from his resort, &c.’” </p. 33>
1821 v1821
v1821 = v1813 (changing Malone’s page number to 225)
1872 cln1
1171 prescripts.] Clark & Wright (ed. 1872): "So the quartos. The folios have ’ precepts.’ For the ormer [sic] see Antony and Cleopatra, iii. 8. 5 : ’ Do not exced The prescript of this scroll.’ "
1877 clns
1171 prescripts] Neil (ed. 1877): “Precepts. Not precepts, which set forth the general law, but prescripts, which apply it to the particular instance.”
1882 elze
1171 prescripts] Elze (ed. 1882): “The following passage in B. Jonson’s The Devil is an Ass, I, 3, might be quoted in support of the reading of FA: that I do give you in precept No less than counsel.”
1890 irv
irv ≈cln1
1171 prescripts] Symons (in Irving & Marshall ed. 1890): “Ff. print precepts. The durior lectio of the Qq. seems to me to give the better sense of the two, and it is found again in Antony and Cleopatra, iii. 8. 4, 5: ‘Do not exceed The prescript of this scroll’.”