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Line 1084 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 1018-2022 ed. Eric Rasmussen
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
1084 Say Voltemand, what from our brother Norway?2.2.59
1736 Stubbs
1084 Say . . . Norway] [Stubbs] (1736): “The Account of the Embassy to Norway, was necessary towards the Introduction of Fortinbrass, in the Sequel, whose coming in at the Close of the Play winds up all very naturally.”
1825 European Magazine
"Gunthio" pseudonym
1085-1105 Vol. . . . set downe] "Gunthio" (1825, p. 341), of the correctness of this speech compared to the hash of others, says, “Surely, thought I, this was never accomplished by the blockhead who disfigured every other passage, and must therefore needs have been printed from an authentic MS.; but farther reflection leads me thus to explain the circumstance: the representative of Voltimand was f course one of the inferior performers, with whom the copyist of the play had perhaps some acquaintance, and from whom he procured a faithful transcript of the speech in question. Thus only can I account for the isolated specimen of correctness amid innumerable blunders.;”
Ed. note: There are other such passages, probably derived the same way, particularly in scenes where Marcellus is present.