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Line 1092 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 1018-2022 ed. Eric Rasmussen
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
1092 Was falsly borne in hand, sends out arrests2.2.67
1773 v1773
1092 borne in hand] Steevens? (ed. 1773): “Amuse’d with false pretenses.”
1778 v1778
v1778 = v1773
1092 borne in hand] Steevens (ed. 1778): “i. e. deceived, imposed on. So, in Macbeth, Act 3: “How you were borne in hand, how crost, &c.” See a note on this passage.
1784 ays1
ays1=v1778 minus Much Ado parallel
1785 v1785
v1785 = v1778 minus steevens
1092 borne in hand] Steevens (ed. 1785): “i. e. deceived, imposed on. See vol. iv. p. 552.
1791- rann
1092 falsly borne in hand,] Rann (ed. 1791-): “imposed on. MACB. A. III. S. 1. Macb.
1793 v1793
v1793 = v 1785 minus steevens
1092 borne in hand] Steevens (ed. 1793): “i. e. deceived, imposed on. So, in Macbeth, Act III: ‘How you were borne in hand, how cross’d,’ &c. See note on this passage, Vol. VII. p. 456, n. 3.
1803 v1803
v1803 = v1793 ?
1805 Seymour
1092 borne in hand] Seymour (1805, p. 168): “Speciously misled by false professions of good will; as in Much Ado About Nothing: ‘What bear her in hand until they come to take hands.’”
1813 v1813
v1813 = v 1803
1819 cald1
cald1≈ seymour
1092 borne in hand] Caldecott (ed. 1819): “‘Holden in hand, having attention engaged.’ It is generally used in an ill sense, as with a view to delude, deceive, or impose upon. See M. ado &c. IV.1. Beatr.”
1821 v1821
v1821 = v1813 minus ‘See note’ line
1826 sing1
sing1≈ cald1
1092 borne in hand] Singer (ed. 1826): “i.e. deluded, imposed on, deceived by false appearances. It is used several times by Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act iii. Sc. 1; Much Ado about Nothing, Act iv. Sc. 1; Cymbaline, Sc. ult. “
1856 hud1 (1851-6)
1092 borne in hand] Hudson (ed. 1856): "To bear in hand is to lead along by assurances or expectations. See Measure for Measure, Act i.sc 5,note 6."
1856b sing2
1869 romdahl
1092 borne in hand] Romdahl (1869, p. 24): “deceived. To bear in hand, a common expression in Sh’s time, signified, to amuse with false pretences, to delude. ‘When they neither by manifest reason could gainstand the matter contained in the booke, nor - - - -, then sought they - - - - to deprave the translation - - - -, bearing the king in hand and all the people, that there was in it a thousand lies . . . . . .’ Fox. Martyrs.”
1872 hud2
hud2 = hud1
1092 borne in hand] Hudson (ed. 1872): "To bear in hand is to lead along by false assurances or expectations. See page 347, note 7."
1872 cln1
1092 borne in hand] Clark & Wright (ed. 1872): deluded. "Compare Macbeth, iii. 1. 81 : ’ How you were borne in hand.’ "
1092 sends] Clark & Wright (ed. 1872): "Here the requisite pronoun is omitted."
1882 elze
1092 falsly borne in hand] Elze (ed. 1882): “Compare Marston’s Insatiate Countesse, A. I (Works, ed. Halliwell, III, 119):—‘No, nor this day, had it been falsely borne, But that I meane to sound it with his horne’.”
1885 macd
1092 borne in hand] MacDonald (ed. 1885): “ ‘borne in hand’—played with, taken advantage of. ‘how you were borne in hand, how cross’d’ [Macbeth 3.2.? (1076)].”
1092 MacDonald (ed. 1885): “The nominative pronoun was not quite indispensable to the verb in Shakespeare’s time.”
1899 ard1
1092 borne in hand] Dowden (ed. 1899): “deluded, as in Macbeth, III. I. 81; like French maintenir.”