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Line 826 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 0-1017 ed. Bernice W. Kliman
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
826 Ham. {I am} <I’m> sorry they offend you hartily,1.5.134
1854 del2
826-30 Delius (ed. 1854): “In dieser, wie in seiner folgenen Rede, missversteht Hamlet, um den Ausforschungen seiner Freunde zu entgehen, ihre Worte geflissentlich. So thut er zuerst, als ob sie seine Worte kränkend fänden, während sie desselben nur unklar finden, und als sie darauf erwidern, es handle sich um keine Kränkung, (offence), nimmt er offence in weiterem Sinne für ‘Missethat’ und spielt damit auf die ihm enthülte Missethat seines Oheims an.”[In this, as in his speech following, Hamlet misunderstands his friends’ words. At first he behaves as if they have found his words offensive, while they only found them unclear, and as they answer to that, there is no offence, he takes offence in the wider sense for ‘misdeed’ and with it plays on the misdeed of his uncle revealed to him.]
1903 rlf3
826-7 Rolfe (ed. 1903, p. 325): “Hamlet now begins to recover his self-possession [which slipped after the ghost left], and it is with all sincerity that he replies [quotes 826-7].”
826 827