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Line 813 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 0-1017 ed. Bernice W. Kliman
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
813 Booth. I by {heauen.} <Heau’n, my Lord.>1.5.122
1934 Wilson
Wilson MSH: Simpson
813-14 Wilson (1934, pp. 225-6) <p. 225> agrees with Simpson (69-70) that short lines like these in Q2 may be emphatic. </p. 225> </p. 226> But looking at other instances he is doubtful that the choice is a dependably purposeful ones. He thinks the short lines could be hesitations on Sh.’s part about where to place a line, with a preceding or following one, to make the verse line. </p. 226>
Ed. note: Here F1 has the long line 814, which Q2 splits in two; both choices could be compositorial.